One in three women said that a work life balance is far more important than salary or benefits according to REED, the recruitment specialist.

What's most important to you?

What's most important to you?

A survey asked Brits about their attitudes towards their working lives. Specifically about their work, career aspirations and their career regrets.

Over half of women would ditch their current career path for something different, 55% would find a job that offered greater satisfaction and 40% would seek a role that had better pay and greater benefits in the long term.

41% of women said that they would change career paths entirely, if it meant that they could secure a better work life balance. Consequently, 24% are currently looking for new employment. When questioned over what had made them jump ship in the past- 33% said that they were offered more money elsewhere, 32% got a promotion and for 28%, they had outgrown their job and had become bored.

Priorities seem to have shifted somewhat with women now ranking job satisfaction and work life balance as more important than anything else. 41% of women will receive a pay rise in their first 12 months and 30% will receive a bonus, however for 27% of women this is not enough without that balance between their profession and their home life. Catherine Maskell, head of marketing at recruitment specialist REED said: "We're currently operating in a candidate-led market where the power sits firmly with the jobseeker. As a result, we're finding that employers are starting to think about more than just salary when it comes to the packages they offer, so if ever there were a time to consider a change of role - it's now. "It's all about securing the best talent, and employers are much more willing to do what it takes - including offering flexible working for example - to ensure they don't lose out to their competitors."

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