Child safety in the home is hitting the spotlight

Child safety in the home is hitting the spotlight

Safety Day has been launched to highlight to parents the number of accidents still happening in the home and involving children. Today, more accidents happen in the home than anywhere else and, more children die annually because of accidents rather than illnesses.

Lindam is committed to reducing childhood accidents in the home and is launching the first national Safety Day on September 6th 2012. This year’s theme is ‘The Difference A Minute Can Make’ and looks at how time pressured parents could be putting their child’s health at risk.

More than a million children attend casualty departments every year due to accidents in the home and the majority of these are easily preventable by taking steps to ensure your home is the safest environment for your child.

Many accidents can be prevented in just one minute, by moving dangerous objects out of a child’s reach and Lindam feel that it’s these small but very important tips that can make a huge difference in the UK home accident rate.

To reinforce this important message with parents, Lindam will be conducting key activities amongst their fans on their Facebook page, enabling parents to share their stories and tips to help to reduce childhood accidents in the home.

On Safety Day, Lindam will aim to raise the awareness of childhood home safety through a series of key information releases, a national survey of 3000 parents, key case studies and competitions.


Shabana Adam @Shabana_FAM

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