With the introduction of the internet and this new high tech, high speed push-button world that is evolving around us today, our parenting skills need to be transformed in order for us to keep up with this trend of faster living. Why?

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

If you are a parent the speed of life is happening to you too, so faster and more accurate parenting decisions need to be made. If our parenting skills are not up to speed (and we just ‘allow them’ to ‘slowly evolve’ through the generations), it is our children that will ‘continue to suffer’, because it is the ‘slowness’ of our parenting skills and awareness which will continue to bare down on them.

“My child won’t do this”, “My child can’t do that”, “My child won’t do as they are told”, “I can’t do or achieve what I want to do because baby Joe is not ready in allowing this to happen for me/us yet!”  Who is the adult in these situations? 

So why isn’t your child doing these things, or enabling you to do the things you want to do?  Our children need to be relieved of all this responsibility, pressure and stress and to be ‘brought along with us’ regarding the speed we as parents need to perform within. 

Not ‘dragged’ kicking and screaming through their childhood because of our lack of efficient and effective faster parenting skills and solutions and then be expected, when they reach their teens, to suddenly become compliant to it all and you.

The good news is this is nobody’s fault our parenting skills have worked and ‘evolved sufficiently’ up until now. However, with the speed of life building as it is, this is only going to accentuate any parenting issues we have; and one that is and has been ‘bubbling away under the surface’ since the Victorian era (where children were seen and not heard).

I am absolutely certain that good communications between parents and their child/children is every parent’s wish.  So much so that I hear and see parents dreading the time their children hit their teenage years through fear of what is going to happen with communications once this time is reached (the myth of the terrible teenage years).                       

Through Intelligent Parenting® if the knowledge -  leading to faster parenting solutions, skills and understanding is understood then at the end of this accepting for parents they will have a clear choice of:

  • - Ignoring the processes their children need to grow through in the hope that it will go away (they will grow into and out of it!) or miraculously their child will work it out in a way that suits their parent’s needs exactly!
  • - Demand that their children do it their way because ‘they know best’ – which they may, however what is this going to do to their child’s confidence and self-esteem if everything is approached in this way?
  • - Or the choice of parenting in the Intelligent Parenting® way and learn the skills of how to communicate with their child in a way that I know they would love it to be - that works for both parent and child.

And yes I’m afraid - Potty Training is where these parenting skills need to start and be applied.

So if this time is missed then there is going to be a lot of ‘bad habit’s’ for both parent and child to ‘unpick’ in order to find the sort of communication between each other – I know both parent and child are looking!

Parenting is not about being in control of your child it’s about having the knowledge and confidence to guide them through.

What makes any parent stand out from the crowd is meaning what you say and carrying it through in a harmonious way for everyone - whenever this is needed.

Clearly believing that every child is an individual and understanding that to gain a fantastic relationship with your child this is the foundation upon which your parenting life begins.

Being in control is about being in control of the process, not your child, regarding whichever milestone they are at.

For your child to understand and learn first you need to understand and guide and you need to understand that myths and guilt get in the way of good parenting practice.  You need to believe in yourself in knowing what is right for you and your child. To be a great parent you need to be certain about what you are doing!

‘The Intelligent Parent’s Guide to Faster Potty Training’ will introduce you to a more empowering parenting life where you are able to free up your time to enjoy your child and be the best parent I know you are able to be.

At Intelligent Parenting® we want parents to have the awareness of the change that is needed so they too are able to achieve faster parenting solutions in a holistic way for both them and their child.

So, from the very beginning, parent and child are able to build on and exist within a mature and communicative relationship throughout all the milestones they potentially face together, and passing on these faster parenting skills and solutions is what I want to achieve for both parent and child, so they too are able to have an amazing communicative relationship with their child without ever having the fear of it being anything else.

Jacqueline’s new book reveals the process that ALL parents should know for faster potty training and an easier life. It aims to help parents get this crucial psychological state right, whilst freeing up their time, so they can enjoy their child and be the best parent they can be.

FemaleFirst @FemaleFirst_UK