A healthy packed lunch will keep their energy levels up

A healthy packed lunch will keep their energy levels up

The kids going back to school can sometimes be a stressful time, making sure that they have all of their uniform, their school bags and any extras that they may need.

We also want them to be in the best health, full of energy and able to resist all those bugs that go around.

A great first step towards this is to ensure they are eating good, healthy food.

We are well aware that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it kick starts metabolism and gives them plenty of energy for the day to come.

Examples of good, nutritious breakfast foods include wholegrain sugar-free cereal, muesli sprinkled with a few chopped nuts and fresh berries, or wholemeal toast with scrambled egg.

For lunch, a common concern for parents is what to give children to take to school if the school dinners aren't up to scratch.

A basic rule here is to make sure we include one or two servings of fresh vegetables or fruit and a good source of healthy protein such as fish, an egg, home-cooked or non-processed meat, or unsalted nuts and seeds.

Here are some simple healthy options to combine, from Nutri Centre head nutritionist, Shona Wilkson:

Wholemeal bread sandwich with free-range fresh turkey slices and some slices of cucumber or cherry tomatoes
Small sticks of raw carrot or cucumber with a little pot of hummus
Chicken legs left over from the Sunday roast
Natural yoghurt mixed with a few chopped nuts and raisins or goji berries that they can mix with it
Small pot of cherry tomatoes
Fresh fruit, for example - apple, pear, apricots or a small pot of cherries or raspberries
Two to four oatcaked with a few slices of any good quality cheese pr hummus and some cherry tomatoes
Hardboiled egg
A small pot of brown rice salad - mix cooked brown rice ith sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes and small cucumber chunks with a teaspoon of olive oil, a pinch of natural sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice

It's also often a good idea to give young growing children a few well-chosen supplements to ensure that they are receiving all the nutrition they need. A good kids' multivitamin and mineral can help with energy levels and may be a good choice if a child is tired or run-down, or eats little in the way of fruits and vegetables.

Choose one that is free of artificial sweetners or other additives. To help support the immune system, a probiotic or a kids' beta glucan supplement can be beneficial. For concentration and learning, a good children's fish oil my be particulary beneficial and may also help to reduce hyperactivity.

Another common problem for children at school is head lice. Neem-based shampoos can be very effective at getting rid of the lice and are a good natural alternative to treatment shampoos containing insecticides.

Product recommendations from Shona:

Nature’s Plus Animal Parade Gold (£12.20 for 60 tablets)
Best-selling multi-vitamin and mineral formula fro kids
Immiflex Kids (£10.20 for 30 tablets)
ImmiFlex Kids is designed to support the efficient functioning of the innate immune system.
Optibac “For Your Child’s Health”(£16.35 for 30 scahets)
Supports the development of friendly probiotic bacteria promoting good digestive health and supporting natural immune defences
MorEPA Mini Junior (£19.35 for 60 capsules)
A very popular fish oil due to its pleasant taste, which also includes the added benefit of extra Vitamin D content.  
Vogel “Neemcare Riddance Shampoo” (£8.85 for 100ml)
A regular herbal family shampoo for that contains Neem leaf tincture

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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