What are your children doing that you don't know about?

What are your children doing that you don't know about?

We all like to think our children are little angels who can do no wrong, but a new study shows many parents might be fooling themselves into a false sense of security about just how honest their little darlings are.

The study asked parents to identify a number of possible crafty things their children might be doing regularly such as pretending to eat their dinner, blaming other children for things they’ve done wrong and feigning illness to get out of school and found that over a third of parents do not believe their children ever lie about their behavior.

Only one in five parents would ever suspect their children of crying on demand to gain sympathy, while less than a third say their child blames their siblings for things they have done wrong.

Only one in ten blame missing ornaments around the house on their children hiding them after breaking them and only 3 per cent of parents think their children use the old trick of putting a thermometer on the radiator to feign illness.

When it comes to the age-old issue of getting kids to eat their meals, less than one in ten parents believe their children hide vegetables under their plate to avoid eating them, while only 17 per cent think their kids feed their dinner to their pets. While over 80 per cent say they don’t believe their children make up excuses to get down from the dinner table.

And it appears to be game of double bluff between parents and kids, especially at the dinner table with a third of parents surveyed by Tate and Lyle’s ‘Light At Heart’ saying they also employ crafty tactics to make sure their children have a balanced diet.

So who is winning this crafty battle in your house? Do you think you’ve got if figured out, when really your kids are the ones tricking you? And if that’s the case – how can you win the war?

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