Parenting News: UK Parents Worry That Chivalry is Dead

Parenting News: UK Parents Worry That Chivalry is Dead

Hundreds of years ago chivalry was the norm and you could see it performed in everyday acts, but now parents are worried that chivalry is on the way out.

Incredibly, 91 per cent of parents said that they are concerned that chivalry has taken a back seat and 25 per cent said that they believe it’s dying out or is completely dead.

Parents have said that they are very open to a Chivalry Code being implemented to help their child gain the right characteristics.

Modern parents said that the most important traits for their children to have are good manners, honesty and fair play.

The most desired chivalrous act was named as courtesy, which 87 per cent of parents said they would like their children to perform.

To help the kids of today, CBeebies’ medieval hero Mike The Knight, is set to launch the Chivalrous Code so that youngsters can adopt medieval manners and bring back chivalry.

Justin Pollard, historical consultant for QI, Les Miserables and the Tudors, advised on the accuracy of the modern translation of the code, he says, “The idea of taking the 600 year old chivalrous code and adapting it to inspire today’s pre-schoolers is fantastic. 

“The original code was devised to control egocentric adults who often behaved like unruly children so the match is perfect!

“With 70 per cent of parents saying their children were interested in aspects of medieval history this campaign provides an engaging way to teach pre-schoolers more about this fascinating era.”

The idea is to get children to use please and thank you, tell the truth and to never give up on a mission!

Susie Boon, Parenting Director Immediate Media adds, “As a mum of three I’m forever having to remind my children about the importance of manners.

“Some of it sinks in, but it’s all too quickly forgotten, so I love the idea of a modern day Chilvarous Code, which puts the fun back into saying please and thank you, as well as teaching children about loyalty, consideration and not telling lies."

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