Having a baby is the most life-changing thing you can do. It’s bigger than marriage, moving house or even bereavement, and it impacts even the strongest relationships. Although becoming a parent is undoubtedly tough, it’s also amazing, wonderful and life affirming and can unite you with your partner like nothing else too. Bearing all this in mind, there are seven things every couple need to do before the baby arrives, from ChannelMum.com editor Cathy Ranson.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

1. Do the practicalities - Buy everything you need like a buggy, cot, nappies and baby clothes - and get it all built early. Choosing these items together can be a wonderful process to make the baby seem real and bring you closer together. Many partners feel a little left out by pregnancy and giving practical help like building a nursery can make them feel much more involved.

2. Spend extra time together and make it count - He or she may only weigh 8lb or 9lb, but when baby arrives, the new arrival will take up almost all your time. Date nights and togetherness are out of the window for the first few months at least, so spend more time together and tell each other how much you love and appreciate each other. Go to the cinema, to your favourite restaurant or even just for a walk in the woods or park. Be selfish and enjoy it.

3. Appreciate your spontaneity and freedom - As all new parents know, it’s impossible to just ‘pop out’ with a newborn. So before junior ‘pops out’, make the most of being able to do what you want, when you want. Want to nip out and meet friends for dinner? Do it. Fancy a treat or a spa day - book it and go this afternoon.

4. Have a lie-in! Well have lots of them - As a parent, lie ins are a thing of the past - at least until you have teenagers. Bank up your sleep together now as you’ll need it. Plus it’s extra time together to cement your relationship.

5. Enjoy being intimate - This could mean lots of loving, lazy sex - or simply a caring foot rub or massage together. Sex will be off the agenda for at least six weeks after the baby is born (and many couples wait much longer) and there won’t be time for relaxing together, so make the most of your ‘babymoon’ time before junior is born.

6. Discuss how you will parent together - Parenting requires a united effort and works best when you have the same outlook and ideas on raising a child. Discuss you preferred parenting style - routine or free-flowing, gender neutral or traditional? Get the big conversations out of the way - you may eve want to use this time to choose a name you both love.

7. Write a letter together to your unborn child - This is a wonderful and emotional way to start your journey as parents together. Express your love and hopes for your child and tell baby why you created him or her together. Not only is it a treasured keepsake, it’s a lasting proof of the love you have for one another as a couple. Read it back each year on your child’s birthday - it’s emotional and a brilliant way to reconnect.

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