Men Hide Their New Purchases To Avoid Arguments

Men Hide Their New Purchases To Avoid Arguments

It appears that men may just go clothes shopping more than we women think. A new survey shows that they buy new clothes more than once a month and spend upwards of £600, then hide the clothes to avoid arguments.  performed a survey into the spending habits of men from the age of 18-35 and found that 52 per cent of the 1,071 surveyed said that they had hidden new clothes from their partner.

Forty seven per cent of them said it was to avoid arguments over how much they had spent, which seems a good idea since the survey is found that men spend an average of £658.37 yearly on their clothes.

Twenty nine per cent of the respondents who said that they had hidden newly bought clothes from their partner said that they did so simply because their partner ‘had hidden clothes from them’ in the past; whilst 17% said it was because they knew their partner ‘wouldn’t like’ the clothes they had bought.

Mark Pearson, chairman of, says, “We are always interested in finding out more about the buying habits of people across the UK, and this research was certainly insightful. Typically, stereotypes point towards women as being more likely to hide clothes, so it is interesting to see that a large percentage of men also keep their new purchases under wraps.”

The survey also assessed how often men cleaned out their wardrobes. The results showed that 21 per cent of men have never discarded of old clothes and 24 per cent said that they’ll annually clean out their wardrobe.

Mark Pearson says, “It is slightly worrying that some men never clean out their wardrobes, after all, where do they store all of their new clothes? There are plenty of places where you can donate, or even sell, your unwanted clothes and make yourself a bit of cash; so it’s always worth bearing that in mind, as it can raise some pennies before you next hit the shops.”


Cara Mason

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