Purple Means Passion!

Purple Means Passion!

It has now been revealed that couples who have chosen purple as the colour of their bedroom make love more often than the average couple.

The research was conducted by Littlewoods.com and found that couples who had purple bedrooms make love on average 3.49 times per week, compared the average 2.55 times per week.

Despite purple representing wisdom, spirituality and wealth, it managed to beat red - the traditional colour associated with lust and sensuality.

Surprisingly, sky blue came in as the third most likely colour to increase your bedroom activity, but beige was seen as a mood killer with couples choosing this shade only having sex 1.97 times per week.

Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Homes Style Expert for Lttlewoods.com said, “This is obviously absolutely no surprise to me. For years I have been telling British homeowners, a beige bedroom makes for a beige sex life and that’s one thing I wouldn’t want to wish on anyone.”

Those with pink, black and navy blue rooms had more sex than the national average, but if you have a yellow, brown, orange or white room then you’re more likely to fall below it.

Green is traditionally seen as a relaxing colour, and you’ll be doing a lot of that if you’ve chosen it for your bedroom. Couples who went with green were only having sex on average 1.89 times per week.

Shockingly, the shade that has had the nation blushing for months came stone cold last. Having a grey bedroom saw couples only having sex on average 1.80 times per week!

Does the colour of your bedroom affect your mood when it comes to sex? Let us know by commenting below or tweet us @FemaleFirst_UK


Cara Mason