www.vouchercodespro.co.uk has found that at some point in their current relationships Brits have wanted to be single- in the words of Ross and Rachel- 'take a break'. 58% of men and women would like to take some time out from their current partner- not for good but more so when things go sour. 39% of these feel like this often whereas most admit it is just a fleeting feeling when things turn bad.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Things that trigger these thoughts include;

Arguing all the time- If every conversation you have is said aggressively, this puts you off talking to one another. Communication is a very important part of any relationship and even in anger couples need to learn how to control it so they don't scare their partner away from ever talking to them again.

Tip- Whatever you're angry about, write it down, think it through and give yourself a chance to calm down. If it is still relevant and not a result of something unrelated to them then sit down and talk about it. Anger makes people shut down and they won't work with you to fix problems- more likely walk away.

Stuck in a rut- Without constant revaluation, couples can fall into the trap of doing everything the same- it becomes predictable and neither of you feel you have the energy of the inclination to make changes.

Tip- Each one of you take turns to come up with a date night each week that's a surprise. Mix it up- don't do the same thing every week or you will only fall back into your rut. Be creative and make sure that nothing gets in the way of your couple's time. It guarantees you something to look forward to and gives you that first date feeling again.

Attention- When neither partner feels that they get enough attention from their lover, whether that be in company or on their own it can feel like they are being taken for granted and that they are just going through the motions because it's easier than bringing up any issues or resolutions.

Tip- Kiss your partner when you leave for work and when you get back- cuddle them while you are on the couch, snuggle up to them at night, always praise them in front of others and give them a cheeky knee squeeze or kiss when you are out. These little acts remind your bodies that you are physically attracted to one another and make you both feel secure that you're not being ignored.

Financial strain- Finances are tricky to get right straight away- however if this is a constant struggle and dominates your conversations and every waking thought then it can break some couples if they don't work together to get back on track.

Tip- One way that works for many couples is to set up a file and consolidate all your finances. Write a breakdown of all your income and outgoings and make sure any donations to joint accounts are fairly distributed. Be open about debts and repayments- hiding them will only result in trust issues.

Meeting someone else- Meeting someone new who shows an interest in you, gives you some excitement and is able to have a conversation with you that does not involve raised voices can be a breath of fresh air. It makes you consider what life would be like if you were to live it with someone else.

Tip-Accept that you will find other people attractive- you are programmed to- but you have chosen to be with the person you are with for a reason. Remind yourself of their good points and every time you think about someone else- text your partner, drop them an email or show them some affection- you will soon forget that you let your mind wander.

Despite attached people having eyes for others, 87% do nothing about it even if they are tempted to, but guilt stops them from straying. Even 11% admit to their partner that they have wanted to direct their affections elsewhere.

Over half reveal that if they could get away with cheating then they would. If it means their partner not finding out, keeping their life as it is and not having the risk of losing everything; more people would take the plunge. Many couples crave excitement and something new, however the more committed ones believe that relationships are about working through problems- that sleeping with someone new comes after you split with your partner not while you are exclusive.

Nick Swan, Founder and CEO of VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, said the following:

"We're extremely shocked, and a tad disheartened, that so many Britons admit they'd cheat on their partners if they could get away with it. If you want to cheat on your partner, there are some real issues that clearly need to be worked out within your relationship. If the feeling persists, it's much kinder to leave someone before starting something up with somebody else. That being said, it's common for people to leave a relationship, only to return when you realise the grass isn't greener on the other side.

"Couples argue. That's just the nature of a relationship. It's not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if you can both find a way to resolve your issues before they blow up into something much bigger. At the end of the day, you need to weigh up how much your partner and your relationship mean to you."

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