well jel

well jel

Relationships with our friends are complex so it’s no surprise that we all feel a little jealous time to time, but a new survey has found that a massive 74 per cent of women are jealous of their friends.

MyVoucherCodes.co.uk set out to find why us women are so jealous of our friends and the results show a range of reasons.

Appearance is a big deal to women, so it’s no wonder that 88 per cent of us cited appearance/figure as the number one reason that we’re jealous of our friends.

The other big contender was money, something that’s usually associated with male friendships. Women appear to be just as effected by their friend’s income as 79 per cent of them said it was the main reason they were jealous of their friends.

It seems that women are becoming more concerned with their friends intelligence level and job as 65 per cent said they were jealous of their friends intelligence and a further 61 per cent of their friends job.

Surprisingly, fashion sense and wardrobe only came in at number six on the list with 48 per cent, behind relationships status with 52 per cent.

Women’s typical lack of interest in cars was reflected in the study as only 19 per cent of women, the lowest percentage of the survey, said they were jealous of their friend’s cars.

It seems that jealously is something that women like to keep to themselves as 67 per cent of respondents said that they wouldn’t tell their friends that they were jealous of them with only 12 per cent saying that had let their friends know.

Luckily, 89 per cent of women said that their feelings of jealously didn’t cause any resentment towards their friends.

Mark Pearson, Chairman of MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, said, “It was interesting to find that money, and income, played quite a large part for those who felt envious of their friends; but, given that money plays such a large part in all of our lives, it’s easy to see how it can affect our relationships.

“Whilst being envious of your friend’s salary is perfectly normal, it’s better to use this envy as a springboard to helping your own future. Don’t waste time being jealous, just use that healthy envy as a drive towards achieving the same!”

Are you jealous of your friend and would you tell them about it if you were? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK

Cara Mason