We take a look back over the holiday season and find out why it is hard for singles. But also look at ways to handle the aftermath of Christmas and power through to get that date you have always wanted! Julie-Anne Shapiro, love and relationship expert, passes on her expertise for those who are still a bit lost after the festive buzz is over.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Why do some single women find the holiday season hard?

We associate the holiday season with being and celebrating with other people.  We look around us and see couples in love buying each other gifts and having fun together and with their friends and family.  Single women may feel lonely and left out, wondering when their special someone is going to come along.  These feelings can be crushing and may also trigger negative thoughts and beliefs such as “I’m not good enough,” or “Everyone gets love except me.”

How do couples often view single people at this time of year?

It really depends on the couple.  If they are not happy they may envy them!  Many couples are keen to support single people and include them in the holiday and festivities.

What can single women put in place to enjoy the holiday season and right into January?

1.    Be around supportive, uplifting people

Limit the amount of time you spend with unsupportive people or those who push your buttons. Spend time with positive people who make you feel good.  Make a list of supportive people in your life and reach out to them now. 

You can choose the month you would like to have.  So start planning your time and focusing your attention on making it uniquely yours and doing things you enjoy and being with uplifting people.

2.    Give and receive

There is nothing like giving to others and those less fortunate to provide a new perspective.

This is also the time to give to those special people in your life.  

There are plenty of great causes to donate your time to at this time of year.

Whether you donate your time, energy or money, find a cause that feels good to you.

It’s also important that you stay open to receiving.  Be in the practice of gracefully receiving what others give to you.  Allow yourself to receive like a queen and know that you are so worth it and so deserving of love.

3.    Be grateful

Gratitude expands what you already have and opens up a space for more good things to come to you.

Each day over the new month, make a list before you go to bed of what you were grateful for that day.

Make a list of the soul mates you already have.  Soul mates are not just romantic partners, they are special people you have in your life and people you feel particularly connected to.  Find a way to let these people know how much you appreciate them through a kind word, a card or a gift.

As you appreciate the soul mates in your life right now, you are opening up more space for your true love to arrive!

4.    Love and believe in yourself

We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you believe you are.”  If you think you not too old, too fat or not attractive enough for love, then others will think that too, including men.

So start telling yourself what you would like your dream man to tell you; that you’re beautiful, good enough and deserve to be loved just the way you are.

5.    Commit to attracting the love of your life in 2014

If you’re serious about having a wonderful partner and a fulfilling relationship, it may be time to invest in yourself and this part of your life.

You can go for years wishing and waiting for love.  The real change occurs when you get serious about it and set about making a real commitment to transform your love life forever!

If you notice a pattern such as always attracting unavailable men or no men or your dates never lead anywhere, it may be time to focus on the inner you.  When you concentrate on becoming your very best you, free from negative beliefs and confident in yourself, you give out an energy that says “I love myself and I love my life.”  This will draw people to you, including your ideal partner and the love of your life.


Julie-Anne Shapiro is an International Love & Relationship Expert, Speaker and Founder of Magnetizing Love. She has helped thousands of women around the world to find and keep the love of their life through private coaching (can be taken via Skype from anywhere in the world), dynamic live events and home study programs.

email: [email protected]


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