But why?

But why?

First dates are all about first impressions- but is there any need to lie to make a good one? According to men- yes there is! Most men would tell a fib or two on a first date to impress a potential partner according to mobileslots.com.

So what exactly do they feel the heed to fabricate the truth about? Apparently 72% would lie about their job- making it sound more appealing than it actually is, they would reduce the number of previous girlfriends by a few so she didn’t think he was a total player and leave out the fact that they had a child with someone else for fear of scaring her off.

Money also causes men to bend the truth a little with many saying to their date that they earn more than they do so they can play up to the ‘provider’ role.

54% also make out that they have more prospects at work than they necessarily do. Men who are at the top of their game or are working in a place with no progression are making statements about moving up the ladder even further- but to where?

Hobbies and interests make people more rounded and a keen walker or writer makes for more fruitful conversation than being mad about the X-Box or drunken poker nights with their mates. Consequently 51% make up things that they do in their spare time to tell women what they think they want to hear.

Men ditch their love of football and other manly sports in place of animals and art to come across as being more sensitive and caring rather than loud and aggressive.

34% have bigger problems however, as these men are actually chatting up women while with someone else- so all the other lies fade into insignificance when this one readers it ugly head.

One respondent said: “A few little white lies don’t hurt when you’re trying to impress a date. Everyone exaggerates the amount they earn and we all tell the odd fib about our jobs. I do draw the line at something though – I think people who lie about their relationship status are going too far.”

Being a divorcee comes with its stigmas so a lot of men will keep that one saved for later as well as if they have a child at home until they know if the relationship is actually going somewhere.

With the increased focus on body image men believe that embellishing their gym habits will get them on good terms with a woman and so bring forward the date they last did any physical exercise. Sorry fellas- you might be frightened of the truth but the beer belly tells no lies!

The men in this study argue that they expect women to also lie on first dates too, so it gives them more flexibility with the truth to balance things out.

Another commented: “I’m happy to admit I’ve only ever lied on a date once and that time I got found out so have never done it again. If you’re hoping the relationship is going to be a long term one, what’s the point in lying? You’ll have to tell the truth at some point.”

A spokesperson for MobileSlots.com said: “It’s safe to say that most men are not averse to telling the odd lie to impress a date with salary, job and number of partners being among the most popular untruths.

“Interestingly, men also expected their date to be hiding the truth on a few subjects – so ultimately it was unlikely that anybody would have a totally honest full date – which may be understandable at such an early stage of a prospective relationship.”

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