Are rich couples happier?

Are rich couples happier?

With so many articles focusing on low cost or free things you can do with your partner to enjoy your time together to focus on the natural strength of your relationship- it’s a little demoralising to hear the results of this latest study.

A third of Brits think that money can buy love according to A large proportion of these respondents were single females- suggesting that holidays, gifts and status are all things people are willing to let their views on love be affected by.

It was found that people are more attractive to a potential date if they can take them on expensive holidays and have lifestyle perks of the rich and famous, such as designer clothes and spa visits. They also believe that the status associated with being rich is another appealing quality as well as financial security and regular gifts from their partner.

Interestingly enough financial security is ranked as the fourth most important thing- which to many couples in a more modest financial position would likely have as their first priority.

Nearly half of Brits said that they would still date someone if they were not wealthy; however a third said they would think twice about a relationship where they would struggle to make ends meet.

Matthew Wood made the following comments:

“It would be wrong to make assumptions on the results of this survey as people are entitled to their views and different people are motivated by different things.  Saying that, it is reassuring that the majority of respondents do not believe that there should be a link between love and money.  Surely it is better to have fun, laughter and good conversation, regardless of wealth, than silence and vacant stares drinking champagne.”



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