According to, over half of Brits would think about having a polyamorous relationship where they would be intimate with two people at once, however would worry about approaching the subject with their partner for fear of sounding like they want to cheat.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

40% of the Brits in the study wouldn't contemplate such an agreement whereas 7% have already tried it out. More men than women feel the desire to be with two people at once- their reasons are fivefold.

Some people like to keep their romantic options open- meaning that their love life is not dictated or predictable- but more spontaneous- which a relationship of this ilk might provide.

Others think it would be fun to explore their sexuality further. If currently with a partner who is not particularly adventurous- they might believe they would fulfil all of their desires with another partner and their sexual fantasies and fetishes.

People find being limited to one love interest boring or dull- and being with two partners can keep their sex life fun and fresh.

It's in men's biology to want to procreate as much as possible, so it's no surprise the men find themselves attracted to more than one person regularly- justifying in their mind why more than one partner might work for them.

For the minority- they have their reputation to think of and believe it would impress their friends and improve their social clout by going against societal expectations.

After thinking long a hard about the reasons why they would like to try adding another partner to their home life, the participants admitted that they would probably not bring up their deepest, darkest desires with their partner.

For those who were totally against the concept- they also had their reasons;

As with many a jealous person or those who don't like to share- the idea of offering their partner up on a plate to another lover is just unbearable.

Many think it's unmoral and goes against their beliefs surrounding fidelity and faithfulness.

As with any relationship that is not seen as conventional- people often have something to say- so some fear judgement.

As it is an unfamiliar arrangement- men and women are also bothered about what family would make of such a relationship.

Finally there is the dread of feeling disrespected by their partner and those around them.

Nick Swan of made the following comment:

"Polyamorous relationships aren't a particularly common practice in the UK and I think that Britons understandably have their reservations about it. Britons are notoriously private about their relationships and matters of the heart, but it does seem a little unusual that so many people lie about fidelity and cheat on their partners, then call those honest about their polyamorous relationships odd! If it is the way that someone chooses to live their life, then who are we to stand in the way of their happiness?"

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