Couple in the sunshine

Couple in the sunshine

Is it just me or when the sun is out do people seem generally happier? Normally the kind of smile initiated by a hot member of the opposite sex!


Another advantage of the sun is that people tend to strip, which means we can get a cheeky look at more of your potential mates than normal! (with the help of a good pair of sunglasses!)


61% of men and 53% of women find that they feel more flirtatious when the sun is out than if not, which is admittedly easier than in the rain or the snow, so the findings make sense!


Drinking in bars and beer gardens helps people to be more sociable with a little but more dutch courage than normal with a belly full of alcohol!


35% of people meet more people who are single when it is hot and they feel more confident about their appearance (61%) given that they have a healthy glow. This works in the reverse as those looking for love find you more attractive when you are in the sun, (44%).


63% of women like it when a man removes his top in public, however only if their torso is one to brag about and 75% of men admire women who wear skimpy clothes in the sunshine, such as bikini tops.


40% believe that they are more likely to find love in the sun, so that will keep us going through the harsh winter months, if this summer has not been successful!

If you are lucky enough to find that special someone, the benefits of sunshine don’t stop there! Austrian researchers have found that sunshine kicks starts the male sex hormone, by boosting it a massive 70%! A man’s libido is directly influenced by how much vitamin D he gets, so this means he is more horny in July than in December!

It is also arguable that other facts such as music, pleasant smells and colours make people more flirtatious. So guys and gals all you need to do to pull your perfect partner is go out on a sunny day, spray something on before leaving, have your I phone on loud with some romantic music and wear something associated with love, like reds or pinks and you can’t go wrong!

This would also explain why we are all so loved up on holiday! So the best advice is; don’t sit in on a sunny day or you may miss your chance at finding love!  

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