What does spooning say about your as a couple?

What does spooning say about your as a couple?

If you want to know how your partner feels about you then pay attention to his sleeping habits.

Despite 86% of couples who admit that they sleep better when they are alone in bed, it has been found that 94% of couples who touch while they sleep say they have happy relationships, compared to just 68% who don’t touch, according to Meetville.com.  

We take a look at the different sleeping positions and what they mean for you and your man.

Sleeping face to face in an embrace- This is common of newly married couples who feel that they are one and the same.

Louise Peacock, The Telegraph deputy editor says this position “is a sign of intimacy, love and sexual activity.” All things expected from the honeymoon phase.

Snuggling into your man’s chest- This is a sign that he is satisfied with your sex life even if he is isn’t with your cover hogging habits.

Your man on his back and you on your front- This suggests that he is indifferent and that you are stubborn- but you both still love each other.

Back to back but still touching- This may seem like an unhealthy pose but actually it shows that you value your partner and that he feels good when you are near.

Louisa Peacock, says Liberty can be explained by “the couple feel connected whilst independent enough to sleep separately. They are used to each other and accept each other’s sleeping habits.”

Face to face but not touching- This implies that you have been married for a while so you don’t need to be physically inseparable like at the beginning of your marriage, but you still feel that he is your alter ego.

Spooning- This demonstrates that you do care for one another but both realise that your life together is not perfect.

You on your side and your partner on his front- This could mean that he never talks about his feelings and you therefore need to take control of everything, including intimate conversations.

You on your side and him on his back- This shows that you respect his need for private space and that there is trust but still a need to have time together and apart.

Back to back and far part- This hints that you are both tired of all the quarrelling and you both lack freedom in the relationship.

A lot of couples choose to sleep in different beds and different rooms- perhaps due to snoring, or to deal with different bedtime habits if one is a shirt worker for instance- however it has been argued that this can impact on the strength of a relationship.

Psychologist Donna Dawson thinks; “Sleeping apart from each other, however valid the initial reason is never emotionally or psychologically healthy for a couple. It is obvious that the first thing that will suffer is a couple’s sex life. What is less obvious, though, is the loss of spontaneous cuddling, touching and chatting in bed, which is actually the glue that bonds a couple over the longer term. A lack of this ‘bonding’ can lead to a couple feeling distant from each other.”

Psychologists argue that sleeping apart makes the hunger for each other more intense and so can bring back the spark that was there at the beginning.

In conclusion, sleeping positions, previously thought to be random are actually a sign of struggles beneath the surface of your relationship and if you can’t identify them then perhaps take note of what your bodies are telling you. 

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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