has found that singles have a much better time of things when it comes to getting in bed on a night than couples do. We find out why.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Relationship worries- You don’t have them. You don’t have to dwell on an argument you had, ignoring the motto ‘don't go to sleep on one’, you don’t have to mull over something he said earlier that you were not happy with but got tongue tied when trying to explain why. You don’t have to ponder on what his offhand comment was about or what he gave you that look for.

Other worries- With another person comes extra responsibility and worry- will they lose their job? Will they find work? Will they ever help you around the house? Will they cheat on you? Will they help with the kids? A woman with a man has a mind made up like the set on Question Time- each one comes at you with more vigour than the last.

Snoozing habits- You can sleep with as much or as little noise a you please- you have the option. You don’t get rudely awoken in the night by the rhythmic clatter of your partner’s throat, or his incessant talking about utter rubbish that doesn’t even make sense in his head. Your only potential worry is the neighbours, but at least there is a wall between you and them. There is no protection between you and the growling monster next to you.

Duvet war- You have the whole bed to yourself- if that is the luxury of a double or if you are really lucky (and rich) a king or dare I say it, a super king bed. You don’t have to fight for warmth mid-morning after you partner has wrapped himself up like a pig on the Christmas plate. You can have a little bit of duvet if you’re hot, all of it doubled over if you’re cold.

Bedtime- You can get into bed whatever time you see fit. You don’t have to wait up till they get home from the pub to make sure they haven’t choked on their own vomit or slept in a bush. You don’t get forced to go to bed early because they have a big day tomorrow and can’t possibly go to sleep without you next to them. You don’t get dragged out of bed on a guilt trip to take their parents or siblings to the airport.

Sex pest- You don’t have a horny man next to you in bed who always seems to want it when you don’t. No-one hooks their leg around yours in a vague attempt at getting you in the mood, or start and feel you up just as you’re drifting off.

Space- You don’t have a big lump of a thing dumping all their limbs on your like a zombie about to take our your jugular, or anyone breathing on your ear. You can turn over, lie on your back, starfish- ANYTHING you want.

On second thoughts- single sleeping sounds pretty good- maybe we need to go back to how things were the in the sixties, when couples slept in separate beds- it wouldn’t fix the snoring thing but you have to make some sacrifices if they are a keeper. 

by for
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