The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge threw a special party to honour the children of people who have died serving the Armed Forces on the weekend.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

The 34-year-old royal and his 35-year-old wife invited almost 1,000 people to the London venue on Saturday (13.05.17) to commemorate their relatives who tragically passed away fighting for their country.

A string of images of Prince William, his wife Duchess Catherine and Prince Harry talking and enjoying the company of their guests have been shared on Kensington Palace's Instagram account.

An image of the trio laughing at the event has been posted on the photo-sharing site and has been captioned: "The Duke of Cambridge, The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are hosting a party at Buckingham Palace in honour of the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces.

"Over 850 children were invited to Buckingham Palace today for a special party to honour the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces. (sic)."

The couple greeted families "on the lawn" outside of Buckingham Palace, and they hoped their "Party at the Palace" would help to "unite" everyone who have endured similar sad experiences.

Another post read: "The Duke of Cambridge met families on the lawn outside Buckingham Palace. Their Royal Highnesses hope that their 'Party at the Palace' helps unite children with other families that have shared similar experiences. All of the 850 children invited to Buckingham Palace today have experienced the loss of a parent who died serving in the Armed Forces. (sic)."

And whilst the royal family welcomed those who attended, the guests were free to enjoy a range of activities, including plat spinning, face painting, and a group of Royal Air Force parachuters descending from the sky onto the area outside of the Palace.

Another image read: "Around 850 children under the age of 18 attended (along with a guardian) to take part in a range of activities from plate spinning, cupcake decorating and face painting.

@royalairforceuk dropped into the party at Buckingham Palace. (sic)."

The Royal Family have since reached out to those who accompanied them atthge party and thanked them for attending.

One upload read: "Thank you to all who attended the Party at The Palace yesterday, we hope you enjoyed the day!

As Prince Harry said: 'We're here to celebrate you and to remind you, that we as a family, we as a nation, and we up and down the country will never, ever ever forget about the sacrifices that every single one of you have made.' (sic)."