Season 4 --

Posted by Stephen Amell on Friday, 4 September 2015

Stephen Amell took to his Facebook account on Friday to reveal the all-new first look full-length trailer for the fourth season of Arrow, returning to The CW in the US this coming October, and in it we see the humble beginnings of Green Arrow.

Hanging up his hood and leaving his life as Arrow behind, Oliver Queen (Amell) is now hoping to live a life of laughter and joy with his partner Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), after the pair decided to follow their hearts and work on a loving relationship with one another. The two drove off into the sunset at the end of our third season, but were they ever going to be allowed to have their 'happily ever after'?

Credit: The CW
Credit: The CW

"The Arrow's dead," says Oliver in his very green hooded jacket, whilst back at the newly named Star City, Laurel/Black Canary (Katie Cassidy) teams up with Diggle (David Ramsey) and Thea/Speedy (Willa Holland) to keep the criminals at bay. However, there's one over-riding force in the trailer which will act as the catalyst for Oliver's return to vigilantism, and that's Damien Darhk, already played superbly by Neal McDonough.

There's a blink and you'll miss it glimpse of Constantine (Matt Ryan) also included in the trailer, with Cynthia Addai-Robinson returning as Amanda Waller in what we presume will act as the flashbacks for the series (Oliver has that awful long hair).

Credit: The CW
Credit: The CW

Though we weren't entirely sold on Diggle's helmet of choice when it was revealed last week, it certainly looks a lot better from what we've seen of it in action. And whilst all Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) ever wanted was to take up the mantle of Ra's al Ghul, he's not looking very happy in a cold stare-off with Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law), paving the way for some more heavy-hitting conflict this season.

We're also introduced for the first time to Anarky (Alexander Calvert) and Mister Terrific (Echo Kellum), the latter of whom looks to be taking up a role similar to Felicity with quick banter and funny exchanges - the pair could become a brilliant light-relief duo.

Arrow's fourth season debuts Wednesday October 7 at 8pm/7 central on The CW in the US.

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