The Delatour and Diaz families

"God will punish you for what you've done, and he will use me to do it." says one of the maids this week - but which?

In this week's instalment of Devious Maids, Peri finds herself between a rock and a hard place as she has to make the decision between being a good person and saving her career from going down the toilet.

Carmen spends some more time with Alejandro's boyfriend Scott, and takes a shine to him when he reveals he loves cleaning and is more than happy to give her a hand with the house work. Alejandro has other plans for the relationship, though, leaving Carmen distraught that her new helping hand could be snatched away from her so soon.

After Genevieve entertained the idea of giving her relationship with ex-husband Philippe another go, Zoila is less-than-impressed to find the two are back in each other's arms, and makes it her mission to expose the man for the cheat he was and still is.

Attempting to put together the pieces linking Remi and murdered maid Flora, Marisol gets in touch with her son Eddie's lawyer to form a plan that she hopes will lead to discovering just who did kill Flora once and for all - but has she been playing with fire for too long?

Taylor's upset this week because her husband Michael is visiting Olivia in the hospital frequently, but finds a way that brings her and her husband closer together than they've ever been.

'Cleaning Out The Closet' airs Wednesday, December 18 at 10pm on TLC.

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