Devious Maids

Devious Maids

The maids are back for the fourth installment of hit series 'Devious Maids'.

Things are looking up for Carmen, who has now been signed to a major music label, and she's invited to her boss - Alejandro's - party as a guest, rather than a maid. This of course doesn't go down well with her superior, and chaos ensues all because of a broken wine glass.

Meanwhile, Marisol seems to be facing similar danger to Flora when she comes face to face with a friend of Adrian Powell's, who hopes to 'poach' the beauty and make her his own.

She's unphased however, and is still 100% committed to finding out the truth behind Flora's death, uncovering another revelation about the circumstances surrounding her situation before she was murdered.

Zoila goes against her better judgement and agrees to go for a meal with Henri - an old flame and the brother of her boss. However, things don't go too well, solidifying her opinion that her daughter should steer clear of Remi - the bosses' son.

Further arguments take place between Spence and his demanding wife, and he overhears her confessing something to a friend that pushes him to take action on his feelings about Rosie.

'Devious Maids' is not one to miss, and continues Wednesday October 30 at 10pm on TLC.

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