Evelyn Powell

Evelyn Powell

Genavieve is in a spot of bother in this week's 'Devious Maids', as she realises that her funds have dwindled - but Zoila refuses to allow her bosses life be destroyed completely and offers whatever help she can provide.

Her son Remi finds comfort in other places when he realises that his trust fund has also been affected, confusing love interest Valentina.

Meanwhile, Carmen's nose is put out of joint when she meets the new chef next door Julie who takes a shine to Carmen's co-worker Sam.

In a bid to remain the apple of Sam's eye, Carmen develops a number of plans to put an end to their relationship before it can ever really get off the ground.

Marisol's investigation into Flora's murder and The Powell family continues, and she finds a DVD that may be of use to her son's lawyer.

Sleeping together for the first time, Spence and Rosie are happier than ever - but can it possibly last while he's still married?

With some major twists this week and a big reveal or two, this episode isn't to be missed.

'Devious Maids' continues tonight - Wednesday November 13 - at 10pm on TLC.

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