Meanwhile, Christian’s condition deteriorates and Connie and Linden cannot get a pulse. He appears to be dead and Connie tells Jayne and John who collapse in each other’s arms. Connie looks at the two of them together and breaks down. Jayne goes to see Christian’s body and as she hugs him she notices his finger twitch. He’s alive! No one can believe or explain what has just happened but they rush him back into theatre to stabilise him.

Faye decides to avoid having the conversation with Joseph about her inability to have children as she doesn’t want to lose him, and she books a weekend away for them both. Daisha is back on her feet and thanks Joseph for being so supportive. Faye is clearly jealous of their relationship. Suddenly Daisha flinches and Joseph looks worried but it was the baby kicking. She grabs his hand and holds it to her tummy – the baby kicks again. Joseph is amazed and he can’t help smiling. He looks over at Faye and suddenly his smile fades as if he’s been caught thinking something that he shouldn’t. Connie asks to see Joseph as she needs him to work the weekend, ruining Faye’s romantic weekend away.

Chrissie visits Michael before leaving and tells him that she is unsure whether or not she can return to Holby as too much has changed. Michael lets her know about a job at a hotel with good money, good hours and no blood. Chrissie thanks Michael and says that she will think about her options. As she leaves the hospital she looks up and thinks about her future back there- does she really want to return?