Billy Ray Cyrus

Billy Ray Cyrus

Singer-turned-actor Billy Ray Cyrus has helped turn his hero Kenny Rogers' screenwriting dreams into reality by signing up to star in the country icon's new Christmas TV drama.

The Gambler star wrote the script for upcoming U.S. TV special Christmas in Canaan, which will debut on 12 December (09), and Cyrus will lead the cast.

Cyrus admits he jumped at the chance to be a part of the project, which revolves around two boys who care for an injured dog.

He tells TV Guide magazine, "I was always a huge fan (of Rogers). I went to see him and Dolly Parton twice on their Islands in the Stream tour."

But there's one Rogers film project Cyrus won't touch, even though his idol wants him to star in an update - The Gambler.

Rogers says, "If there's another (film), he can do the whole thing... (or) you could be my new young gun."

But Cyrus adds, "Kenny nailed that role and I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole."


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