Amy Dowden feels "proud" of how she's dealt with her cancer diagnosis.

Amy Dowden has discussed her cancer journey

Amy Dowden has discussed her cancer journey

The 33-year-old dancer has taken to social media to reflect on her journey over the last 12 months, after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2023.

Alongside a series of photos and videos from the last year, Amy said on Instagram: "These past few weeks and especially days I’ve constantly been thinking this time last year I was having this test, or this appointment.

"A year ago today it was confirmed what we thought it was but it became reality and my life changed forever when the Dr said we are sorry Amy it’s cancer. I can’t believe it’s been a year and all what my body has been through and achieved."

Amy - who is married to professional dancer Ben Jones - has agonised about her diagnosis over the last year.

She shared: "A year ago Ben, myself and my twin sister cried together and had to pull ourselves together as we had to break the news to my parents and just knowing the heart ache and worry it was going to cause.

"I used to lay awake for hours with my mind going to all sorts of places, would I make it to Christmas, would I dance again, how’s Ben going to cope, I don’t want to lose my hair, you name it. I wish I knew then how I would be a year on.

"I told myself constantly this too shall pass and a year on, my hair growing back, my energy getting better and better, back dancing and most importantly spending time with my family and friends and appreciating life."

Amy ultimately feels proud of how she's coped with the situation.

She said: "I have a new body i’m still learning to accept and like, but do you know what it got me through the hardest time and I’m so proud of myself."