Boy George

Boy George

Boy George has hit out at Evander Holyfield for comments deemed to be homophobic, that were aired on last night's episode of Celebrity Big Brother.

The openly gay singer took to Twitter to slam the former heavyweight world boxing champion after he likened homosexuality to having a disability during a conversation with fellow housemate Luisa Zissman.

Boy George tweeted: "Shame, I had such admiration for Mr Evander Holyfield, he seemed dignified and I was sure he was a cool, smart, giant!"

He added: "I think anyone visiting this country for any reason should be cautioned and forced to swear allegiance to 'Queens & country!!

"At customs there should be a huge sign! Welcome to Britain, racism, sexism, homophobia and bad hair are not tolerated! (sic)."

During the one-on-one discussion, Evander - who is handcuffed to Luisa for one of the programme's challenges - said: "All I'm trying to say, you know handicap people are born, you can't say because they are born that way you can't fix them."

Luisa told the born-again Christian she didn't think the two things were comparable and urged him to end the conversation, but he maintained his view.

Evander was then summoned to the Diary Room where he was uncuffed from his partner and told his offensive comments would not be tolerated in private.

Attempting to defend himself, he said: "It is not like I would mention it to anyone else, it was just our conversation."

He was then let back into the house, but handed an official warning.

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