Two brand-new volumes of 'Doctor Who' audio adventures are to be released to celebrate 40 years of Peter Davison's Time Lord.

Peter Davison

Peter Davison

The full-cast audio adventures will be released in April and September 2022, as Big Finish marks the 40th anniversary of Peter's first regular appearance in the iconic sci-fi show.

Producer David Richardson said: "It's always fascinated me that 'Tomb of the Cybermen' isn't a story that definitively ends. There's a loose strand of story left floating at the end of episode four and that strand of story launches us straight into Forty, a lavish celebration of forty years of the Fifth Doctor.

"What strange force is pulling the Doctor forwards through his incarnation? The mystery will be solved but along the way enjoy spending time with Tegan, Nyssa, Adric, Turlough and Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

"As birthday parties go, this is going to be a spectacular one!"

'Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Adventures - Forty Volume 1' is now available to pre-order as a collector's edition CD at £19.99 or on download from the Big Finish website at £16.99.

Peter starred in 'Doctor Who' between 1981 and 1984, and he previously admitted that he initially thought he was "completely wrong" for the role.

The 70-year-old actor recalled: "It felt like a mad idea to me.

"I grew up with William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton and they were older Doctors, avuncular figures, and I think the notion of me ... this is the thing, I’ve got to go off later on for a meeting for something, I don’t think I’ve ever been offered a part where I’ve thought I’m right for this.

"Nearly every part I’ve ever done, I’ve thought I’m completely wrong and I’m going to get found out."