Louise Thompson had a panic attack in central London on Monday (28.09.20).

Louise Thompson

Louise Thompson

The 'Made in Chelsea' star has revealed she got "overwhelmed" by her work and "couldn't stop crying" as she broke down earlier this week.

The 30-year-old fitness guru - who runs her own Live Like Louise health and fitness business - admitted that on top of the pressures that come with being self-employed, she's struggled with not knowing what the future holds amid the coronavirus pandemic.

After a break from social media, Louise wrote on her Instagram Story: "Also thought I'd mention in case it helps anyone.

"I went silent on here again- no insta storying etc because I needed a break...

"I was OVERWHELMED with work and had a panic attack in the middle of central London on Monday. I couldn't stop crying and I couldn't breathe.

"I couldn't make sense of anything.

"It was v awkward but I didn't care about my surroundings, I just needed to get home. Lots of things came to a head and I couldn't make sense of them all at the same time.

I took half a day off and just slept. I don't feel guilty about it, I did what I needed to do. And as my dad has recently been drumming into me: health ALWAYS comes first.

Sometimes it's hard being self employed not having structure, no routine, and putting SO much pressure on yourself.

"Especially during lockdown when our future is so uncertain.

"It's difficult to forecast and difficult to plan for the future. I'm sure lots of you have been experiencing unfamiliar emotions.

Anyway I really enjoyed a short break, also it was AMAZING how much I was able to achieve yesterday not being on my phone AT ALL. I got into really deep focused work, was much more connected. (sic)"

Louise has encouraged her followers to make sure they take time out from social media to focus on themselves, and has vowed to have a day off each week to avoid burning out.

She concluded: "Break the cycle. I'm going to encourage myself to have 1 FULL day off a week. Otherwise I will just burn out again."

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