Michael Barrymore's late ex-wife is still the love of his life.

Michael Barrymore

Michael Barrymore

The 67-year-old presenter divorced Cheryl Barrymore in 1997 - two years after he came out as gay - after 21 years of marriage but has admitted he has never loved anyone else the way he did his former spouse, who died in 2005.

Asked if she was the great love of his life, Michael - who said in 2010 he was no longer gay but could be bisexual - admitted: "She was, absolutely. I don't think I've loved anybody else like that. You are not together 18 years, never mind the ups and downs, nobody is.

"Nobody goes up the aisle thinking, 'Oh I'll be out of this in ten years'.

"We all go in because we genuinely love the person for what they are as the person."

While the 'Strike it Lucky' star's career never recovered after Stuart Lubbock was found dead in his swimming pool in 2001 and Michael now lives alone with his dog Dave, he insisted he still lives a "very happy and full" life.

Speaking to Piers Morgan on an episode of 'Life Stories' airing this weekend, he tearfully said: "I live on my own with Dave, my dog. When I go home tonight I will say to Dave, 'I saw the Morganator earlier. There were a fantastic crowd there. It was like the old days, it was nice.'

"I will tell him hopefully I did not come over like an old fool. We had difficult conversations. Dave will stick by me whatever. Dave will be here -- as long as I feed him.

"I live a very happy and full life. Coming here tonight I have realised how much I love it."

Having rejected the host's interview request four times previously, Michael admitted during the show he was delighted to be back on prime time TV.

He said: "I have gone through the emotions, up and down, thinking about it. And when I got here today it all came back.

"TV is something that I do. It is 18 years since I have done a proper show, this style of show. I'm happy.

"The warmth of the audience just lifts you. All the years I had not been working, what I learned to do was live without it."