Paul Chuckle admits he and his late brother Barry were "like chalk and cheese" despite working together for so long.

Barry and Paul Chuckle

Barry and Paul Chuckle

The real life Elliott siblings performed as the Chuckle Brothers for 56 and were also best friends spending 45 weeks each year side by side, but Paul admitted he and Barry - who sadly passed away in August last year aged 73 - had a lot of differences.

Paul, 71, told the Daily Star newspaper: "We were like chalk and cheese in what we liked and didn't like. For example, I'll eat anything but Barry would only eat egg and chips or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. And he didn't like going on holiday because he hated queuing through security."

The comedy duo - who were best known for their hugely popular long-running kids TV show 'ChuckleVision' and their memorable "to me, to you" catchphrase" got on famously, and Paul admitted while they had their disagreements "five minutes later it was over".

Last summer, Barry's manager Phil Dale announced the sad news that the entertainer had "passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his wife Ann and all his family" after a battle with cancer.

Now, brother Paul - who added that he will miss Barry "greatly" - has admitted his sibling's "downfall" was how much he hated going to hospital or to see the doctor.

He said: "All his life, one of his problem was that he hated going to see the doctor. He hated hospitals. He couldn't stand the smell of them.

"And probably that was a big thing towards his downfall. A lot of men are like that. I'm not... because my missus tells me to go and get that sorted, go and see what that is. But that's right. You should go."