With the reveal of Zoom as the second season of The Flash's 'big bad', fans and viewers were left wondering whether the villain would be embraced from the comic book universe or have his own unique twist, but with the casting of key characters including Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) and Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), it's likely to be the former.

Just who is under Zoom's mask is still up in the air, but it was revealed that horror icon Tony Todd would voice the speedster, with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg saying it's like "James Earl Jones as Darth Vader - this iconic voice coming out of this mask."

The EP had also previously described Zoom's costume design as "hard to tell if it is a suit or alive", which is obvious from the short but sweet two seconds we see.

Zoom AKA Hunter Zolomon was originally an enemy of Wally West, and though he looks similar to fellow speedsters, he doesn't use the speed force but instead manipulates time around him.

The teaser video also sees Cisco (Carlos Valdes) attempt to come to an understanding of his own abilities following the particle accelerator explosion, as well as a brief glimpse of Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) teasing Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), and Jay Garrick introducing himself to Flash.

DC Comics also this week released a brand new poster for the forthcoming season, teasing the fact that Barry will come to terms with other aspects of his powers in season two, including one that has something to do with lightning...

The Flash returns on October 6, at 8/7c on The CW.

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