Joe Swash

Joe Swash

As he prepared to compete in his latest trial, Joe found it hard to hide his nerves from the rest of the group but not in a way they would have liked.

After his failure to beat Nicola yesterday he said: "Listen, I wanna have some dinner tonight so I’m going to try my best."

Getting a consolatory hug from George he was unable to contain his nerves and got a telling off from Dani. She said: "Stop farting. You can’t just sit next to people raise your leg and let it out, George doesn’t want to smell it. I know you’re nervous and all that."

Joe replied: "It’s ‘cause I’m nervous...the good thing is I know its not going to be eating ‘cause I’ve done that."

Over in Away Camp, Robert told the Bush Telegraph that it was important he won for the team but that they all were preparing for him to lose. He said: "Naturally I’m apprehensive about it, because it’s the unexpected you don’t know what’s going to happen... can I please bring home the food for the rest of our little family here which is important, I don’t want to let them down."

He continues: "I don’t think there’s any pressure from them, I think probably they think I’m going to fail they are not expecting anything. It’s pressure on me and I don’t want to let myself down or them."