NOTE: Spoilers

Credit: CBS

Last night's episode of Survivor once again impressed in a season of all newbies that's outdone many of those gone by in past years.

If one thing's clear, it's that producers need to step up their game in hiding immunity idols so that clues actually have to be used to find them. Not that I'm against Tony's unearthing of the 'special power' idol, because his game so far should reward him with something of the like.

In case you missed it, this immunity idol is different to the others that have been found before in Survivor history, as it can be played at tribal council to save yourself after the votes have been read. This idol cannot be played or given to another contestant.

This means that Tony is now guaranteed at least another two weeks in the game, and after the preview for next week it doesn't exactly look like he's being targeted.

Credit: CBS

After a reward challenge that saw Jefra join Spencer, Tasha and Jeremiah for a BBQ dinner at a local cave, she shook hands with the enemy and agreed that taking out Tony would be the most beneficial move to make. However, after a talk with Trish, Kass, Woo and the man himself, she was left convinced that her original alliance of five was the one she should stick with.

Tasha won immunity for the second week running in an endurance challenge, which meant the group had to choose whether to vote out Jeremiah or Spencer, eventually deciding on the fashion model - who outted his career in a final bid to save himself.

Before the votes were read, Spencer played his normal idol on himself (after Tony did some brilliant acting, pretending he was also going to play an idol), which proved to be a bold but useless move, as the country boy was sent packing and became the fourth member of the jury.

Credit: CBS

Survivor ramps it up once more next week, when Spencer tries to scramble Tony's thoughts, whilst he scrambles to stay in the game.

Oh, and Woo fell out of a tree, but he only bruised his ego and went on to enjoy a multitude of papayas.

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