Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne says Simon Cowell wants an 'X Factor' judge who is "skinny and young" who he can boss around and tell what to do.

The 61-year-old star was on the judging panel for the last series of the pop star search series but is not returning again this year because her schedule is too full.

Sharon claims show boss Simon - who is returning as a judge after a three-year hiatus - doesn't want an opinionated mentor like her and would instead prefer someone he can control.

When asked by Jane Moore Simon wants in a judge during an appearance on 'Loose Women', Sharon said: "You've got to be very skinny, very young..."

When asked if the music mogul would want someone who stands up to him, Sharon added: "No, he'll tell you what to say, he'll tell you what to do. You go, 'Oh I want that one.' He goes, 'No you don't.' Then you go, 'Oh, no I don't. No, no, no.' You've got to be able to be told what to do and that's why I can't do it because I'll end up giving him a..."

Sharon has her own definite ideas as to what skills a potential judge needs steer an act to success on the programme.

She said: "I think you've got to have a total understanding of the music industry today and you've got to have an understanding of marketing because it's not just about the best voice, we know that, you've got to tick all the other boxes - you've got to have likeability, you've got to have charisma, you've got to know how to work with an audience. You can have the best voice in the world but if you've got no likeability you're done."

Although she won't be returning to the ITV show after last year's comeback, Sharon is very proud of her association with 'The X Factor' and always will be.

The outspoken celebrity - who is married to Black Sabbath rocker Ozzy Osbourne - admits one of the reasons for her decision not to return is that she doesn't want to jeopardise her job on US TV show 'The Talk'.

She said: "No, no, I can't come back. I mean I love the show, it's become a part of British culture that show everybody loves it and you can't help but get pulled into it. It's too much and I'd lose my job in America. They let me out for one season and I don't want to do that to them again and also I've got a family."

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