Claire (Julia Haworth) is agitated by yesterday's events and is convinced that Casey (Zoe Henry) has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. She bumps into Steve (Simon Gregson) who tells her he had her "friend" in the cab office yesterday, to which she immediately presses him for the address. She decides to go with Ashley (Steven Arnold) to confront Casey and demands to know the truth. Casey is very calm and makes Claire look totally unreasonable, will this spark more doubt in Ashley's mind about Claire's mental health?David (Jack P Shepherd) begins his job back at the builder's yard and saunters in late, much to Bill's (Peter Armitage) disgust. Bill tells him he has got to tidy the yard while he and Jason (Ryan Thomas) get off. He does as he is asked, to Gail's (Helen Worth) delight. Bill and Jason arrive back to a tidy yard but see David sawing up good timber. Bill is furious and sacks him on the spot. How will Gail react to David's second sacking?Leanne (Jane Danson) tells Janice (Vicky Entwistle) that there is a firm who will lend her the six grand but she reckons that it looks a very dodgy deal. Meanwhile Janice is surprised to get a text from Roger who she shacked up with in France, looking for them to meet up.Vernon (Ian Reddington) lets slip to Ryan (Ben Thompson) that Leanne was involved in Paul's death.

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