Unaware of the inner turmoil Maria (Samia Smith) is hiding, Liam (Rob James Collier) is furious with her for sleeping on the sofa. Maria still can't find the right way to tell Liam about the baby and as he leaves for work she packs her bag for the hospital. Marcus (Charlie Condou) sees a downbeat Liam and assumes he knows about the baby, when he realises he doesn't Marcus manages to cover and heads straight for the hospital. A terrified Maria is relieved to see him and he agrees to stay whilst she delivers the baby. The labour is traumatic for everyone and Maria finally delivers a perfect baby boy - as she holds him in the eerily silent delivery room her tears start to flow.Meanwhile back on the street Liam is angry with Maria for disappearing and Audrey (Sue Nicholls) is less than impressed that she hadsn't turned up for work. Carla (Alison King) is revelling in the trouble she has caused unaware of the tragedy unfolding over at the hospital.Paul tells Jack, Molly and Tyrone that he has been charged and will be up in court next week. He is convinced he will go down. Tyrone can't hide how pleased he is but Jack wants to pay for a better solicitor. Paul however is having none of it - he owes Jack too much and he won't let him waste any more money. The only thing keeping Paul going is knowing that Leanne has not got away with it either.Janice (Vicky Entwistle) is still furious with Leanne (Jane Danson) who decides to stay with Dan (Matthew Crompton) to get away from Janice's disapproval. But Harry (Jack Ellis) isn't much better and makes it clear that her staying over is a short term measure.This episode is written by Julie Jones, produced by Steve Frost and directed by Kay Patrick.

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