Bill (Peter Armitage) asks Jim (Charles Lawson) to go for a drink with him in the Rovers and despite remembering that Steve has asked him to stay away from the pub he’s persuaded that one quiet soft drink can’t hurt. Liz (Beverley Callard) is less than pleased when she notices Jim and when she spots some rowdy lads, she's sure he's going to kick off. When one of the lads spills their drink all over him, Jim surprises everyone when he keeps his cool. Later, when they're alone in the bar, Liz admits she hasn't been very welcoming and tells him they should try and clear the air for the sake of Steve and Amy. Jim reassures her and Vernon (Ian Reddington) that he doesn’t want to cause problems for them. But does he still have his sights set on his ex wife? Liz suggests to Steve (Simon Gregson) that Michelle (Kym Ryder) may have had a fling behind Dean’s back. Steve's reluctant to believe such a thing of Michelle, but agrees that it’s the only thing that makes sense and when he asks Michelle, she denies it furiously. Steve urges her to tell Ryan (Ben Thompson) what’s going on, but she’s torn over what’s best for her son. Will Ryan find out?Sarah’s (Tina O'Brien) getting tired of David (Jack P Shepherd) sucking up to Stephen (Todd Boyce) and wonders what he’s up to this time. Stephen seems to be fooled by David’s lament that no one gets him, and that he wants someone to give him a chance. Gail is encouraged when Stephen tells her they'll sort David out - he's not a bad lad after all. Will David prove them both wrong?

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