Bianca meets Tanya at the Branning Family party and immediately feels inadequate. She thinks Tanya will look down at her and her kids and think she is a bad mother.Vinnie checks it out with Ricky, heís surprised Ricky offers him the flat, telling him he didnít really want it anyway.Christian compares the best barmaid competition.Gus is still seething about Seanís behaviour and decides to go public with the news. The pub locals are appalled to hear what Sean did and it doesnít go down well at all with Roxy.In Bridge Street, Bianca is winding up Stacey on her stall. This used to be my stall. But I only dealt in up market fashion. Itís clear Stacey and Bianca are not going to hit it off as good friends any time soon. Just as Bianca has nipped out to the shops to buy some lunch Alice the Social Worker arrives with the kids.Vinnie is disappointed when he spots Ricky and Pat shaking hands with the Estate Agent outside the flat

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