Matthew (Matt Healy) is frustrated to learn that his father's will confirms that it was his wish for Rosemary to be buried alongside him. Whilst Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Carl (Tom Lister) are resigned to this fact, Matthew is still vehemently angry. Later that day as the funeral procession reaches the graveyard, Gray (Christopher Villiers) is horrified to see Matthew filling in the grave with a shovel. Gray loses it and the two brawl in the mud. The police show up and Matthew is taken away but swears that it’s not over. Will Matthew get his revenge?Meanwhile, at the hospital, Donald (Michael Jayston) continues to play games with Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) when she gives him details of private nursing agencies. Donald asks why he should want anyone else but her to be by his side. He says that she’s described what seems to be a perfect marriage so he would like her to be the one by his side day and night. Will Nicola succumb to Donald's demands in order to secure her inheritance.Paddy is shocked to discover that Ross (Samuel Anderson) is dating both Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and Lexi (Sally Oliver). Paddy warns Ross on the sly that he won’t get away with it but will Ross listen to his cousin's advice?

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