Jimmy (Nick Miles) faces the cold shoulder from Carrie (Linda Lusardi) after making it clear that he still has feelings for Kelly. When Jimmy tries to apologise to Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) for his treatment of Daz (Luke Tittensor) she also gives him short shrift. Carrie overhears him warning Scarlett against making the same mistakes as she did and flies off the handle. Explaining that Scarlett wants to leave the village, Carrie remarks that there's no point staying if Jimmy can't return her love. Jimmy agrees and their fling comes to an abrupt end. Will he regret his decision?Over in the village hall, the more senior villagers are critical of Jonny's (Richard Grieve) high-tempo dancercise class. Picking up on the demand for a ballroom dance class, Viv (Deena Payne) sees an opportunity. Returning to the café she outlines her plans to Bob (Tony Audenshaw) to hold a charity dance contest.Meanwhile, Chas (Lucy Pargeter) furthers her and Lexi's (Sally Oliver) plan for vengeance against Ross (Samuel Anderson) by plastering the village with his naked photograph. Ross is worried when he receives the original picture in the post and his humiliation is complete when he finds one in a prime location in the Woolpack. Will Ross learn from the old adage about scorned females?

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