Andy's (Kelvin Fletcher) work continues behind the scenes as a frantic Jo (Roxanne Pallett) prepares for her big day. She's gobsmaked when Sam (James Hooton) accidentally mentions she won't be getting married in church. With nobody wanting to spoil the surprise, Jo is kept in the dark until Andy arrives to escort her to the venue. She's overwhelmed to be greeted by a transformed barn and a beautiful wedding dress, but her glee is tempered when Andy's solicitor arrives. The guests are stunned when he reveals that Andy has been summoned to court for sentencing. With the day ruined, Andy breaks down in Jo's arms. Will he be back to marry the woman he loves or face time behind bars?Elsewhere, Jonny (Richard Grieve) and Marlon (Mark Charnock) hold the first of their health club meetings in the Woolpack. As the villagers begin arguing over the route to physical perfection, Jonny makes the bold assertion that he can make them look five years younger in five weeks. Can he deliver on his promise?Also, when Carrie (Linda Lusardi) clocks Jimmy (Nick Miles) trying to contact Kelly relations are strained further between them. Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) remarks to her mother that it's natural for Jimmy to feel the way he does. Later Jimmy confides in Carl (Tom Lister) about his situation, who urges his brother to make himself happy and try committing to Carrie. Thoughtful, Jimmy talks to Carrie but she remains unconvinced of his feelings. Furious with himself, Jimmy tears Kelly's number from the phone book. Will Jimmy finally put the past behind him?

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