David (Matthew Wolfenden) begs Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) to tell Donald (Michael Jayston) about them and end their marriage. However, when Nicola confronts her husband, she is horrified when he pulls out an annulment petition. Reeling at being out-witted by an old man she’d presumed would be dead by now, Nicola is astonished when Donald says he doesn’t really want an annulment. When she enquires why not after all that has happened, Donald confesses that she’s the only woman to ever challenge him mentally. Donald demands she finish with David and then they can try again. Will Nicola consider her husband's offer or side with her lover?Meanwhile, desperate to beat Terry (Billy Hartman) and Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) in the danicing competition, Viv (Deena Payne) takes Bob (Tony Audenshaw) through his paces only to discover her husband has developed two left feet. Bob is angry after Viv proceeds to tell the villagers about his failings and quits. Can Viv persuade him to reconsider? Donna (Verity Rushworth) becomes annoyed when she’s greeted by more banter at work despite Ross (Samuel Anderson) telling her it’s normal for any new recruit. When Shane (Paul McEwan) approaches with an envelope asking Donna to deliver it to a chemist for a prisoner’s medication, Donna is relieved to get some proper police work at last. Will Donna reverse the tables or will the joke be on her once again?

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