After a night in jail Sam (James Hooton) confesses to Donna (Verity Rushworth) that Eli (Joseph Gilgun) is the drugs kingpin. When Eli is arrested in the village, Lily (Anne Charleston) panics and confesses her part to Edna (Shirley Stelfox). Edna is mortified when the police search her house and find cannabis, leading to Lily's arrest. Desperate to avoid more shame, Edna finds Zak (Steve Halliwell) and the two of them dispose of Lily's cannabis stash at Home Farm. With the evidence destroyed, Lily is released and thanks Edna for her efforts. In tears, Edna berates her sister for lying and asks her to leave forever. Is there any way back from Lily's latest indiscretion?Also, Eli's brash exterior gets him nowhere with the police and Shane (Paul McEwan) threatens to plant false evidence at his house unless he gives them something concrete. Under pressure, Eli gives up Lily's involvement and is eventually released. Returning to the Dingles, Eli is forced into confessing the whole story to Zak and the Dingle patriarch orders him to pack his bags. Has Eli burnt his bridges for the last time?Elsewhere, Mel (Caroline Strong) returns a box of photographs to Jack (Clive Hornby) and he begins to reminisce with her. Mel breaks down and explains how her own relationship with Greg (Shaun Prendergast) is faltering. Jack puts his arm round her for comfort but the pair are embarrassed when Victoria (Isabel Hodgins) comes home. After Mel leaves, Victoria ribs Jack about his new "romance". Jack dismisses it, but might he find happiness with another woman?

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