Shadrach (Andy Devine) is shocked to find out that Zak (Steve Halliwell) and Lisa (Jane Cox) are considering temporary custody of Samson (Ben Shooter). When Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) advises Shadrach to make Zak and Lisa see sense, he decides to inform Sam (James Hooton) of their plans. Encouraging Sam to go on the run, Shadrach supplies him with a gun for emergencies. Sam remembers Pollard's offer to lend him some money and hotfoots it over to the factory. Unable to find Pollard, Sam steals what he can find but is soon interrupted by David (Matthew Wolfenden). Catching sight of the gun, David panics allowing Sam to flee. Will the unlikely criminal make his getaway?Meanwhile, Sandy (Freddie Jones) struggles as he helps Laurel with the pushchair. When she gives him Daniel (Rachel Moonie) to hold, Bob (Tony Audenshaw) notices that Sandy has gone pale and rushes over, taking Daniel off him in the nick of time as Sandy passes out. At the hospital, it's revealed that Sandy hasn't kept on top of his diabetes medication leaving Ashley (John Middleton) and Betty (Paula Wilcox) annoyed and upset. Can stubborn Sandy be persuaded to slow down and grow old gracefully?Elsewhere, Val (Charlie Hardwick) locks herself in the ladies and refuses to go to her hospital appointment. Unrelenting, Pollard (Chris Chittell) orders her out and off to the hospital. Will Val find her valiance?

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