When Jo (Roxanne Pallett) tries to leave to attend Andy’s (Kelvin Fletcher) appeal, Charlie (Michael Keogh) insists she’s going nowhere – he needs her home in case anything goes wrong on the job. Debbie (Charley Webb) waits in the getaway car whilst Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and Charlie enter the supposedly empty club. Suddenly she hears a scuffle and scream from the office and discovers Charlie with a gun to the bar manager’s head. He orders a shaking Chas to open the safe and grab the cash. Will the Dingle belles add armed robbery to their CVs?Elsewhere, Sandy (Freddie Jones) worries about the widening gulf between Ashley (John Middleton) and Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy). Later Betty (Paula Tilbrook) inadvertently reveals to Ashley that Sandy’s decided not to visit Luke in India after all, knowing that he can’t leave his family now. Ashley is upset, knowing how much the trip meant to his father. Talking to Laurel, Ashley explains that Sandy is putting his life on hold because of them and suggests they try and get over things, if only for other people’s sake. Will Ashley's words resonate with Laurel? Meanwhile Sam (James Hooton) is in a bind when Chas (Lucy Pargeter) isn’t around to babysit Samson (Ben Shooter) and a hungover Shadrach (Andy Devine) offers to look after him. Later Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) arrives home to see Samson playing, the house a mess, and an emotional Shadrach wiping away a tear. Is the grieving godfather more affected by Daniel's death than he's letting on?

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