As Ashley (John Middleton) pays a visit to Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) at Betty’s (Paula Tilbrook), she defiantly pours herself another sherry and refuses to go home. Driven to despair, Ashley tells Laurel that he feels like she’s blaming him for Daniel’s death, just as she blamed Hilary (Paula Wilcox), and accuses her of trying to drive him away. When Ashley explains that he’s not strong, but just trying not to wallow, a stunned and angry Laurel tells him to get out as she throws crockery after him in sheer frustration. Could Laurel be about to lose her husband as well as her son?There’s a strained atmosphere at Butlers and Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) is less than receptive when Jo (Roxanne Pallett) attempts to apologise for the ill-advised surprise party. She tries to explain that the only reason she kept everything from him was so that their few days back together would be like a honeymoon – no cares or worries. When Andy brings up the subject of Sarah's adoption, can Jo get Debbie (Charley Webb) to sign the papers or is more trouble about to flare between the newlyweds?Charlotte (Emma Hartley-Miller) apologises for accusing Donna (Verity Rushworth) of fancying Shane (Paul McEwan) at the party, and says she hopes she didn’t mind her staying over with Ross (Samuel Anderson) that night. Donna confides that Shane tried it on with her at the party. When Shane interrupts them, he apologises to Charlotte for leading her on and pointedly says to both that he hopes there won’t be any awkwardness at work. Whilst Charlotte is appeased by this, will Donna give him the benefit of the doubt?

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