After a pep talk from his father (Tony Audenshaw), Jamie (Alex Carter) approaches Louise (Emily Symons). When Jamie says he has something to say to her, Louise assumes he’s about to dump her and, trying to retain her dignity, gets in first suggesting that neither of them wanted things to get serious. Jamie is left crushed. He later finds her standing on the bridge and tells her that she never gave him chance to finish what he had to say. He produces the ring and tells a stunned Louise of his proposal plans. Louise is moved by his words but will Jamie propose again?Meanwhile, as Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) fiddles with one of Donald's (Micheal Jayston) train engines, wondering what all the fuss is about, she touches the control panel and gets a mild electric shock. Donald explains that it’s faulty and needs an electrician to look over it before they show it to Louise. Nicola goes to visit David (Matthew Wolfenden) at the factory again, attempting to talk him round to her way of thinking. Seducing him mentally and physically, David is won round and Nicola once again gets her man. The two seal the deal but Nicola leaves David flabbergasted by talking of her latest plan to murder Donald – electrocution by train set. Will David finally succumb to her evil ways?Finally, having had enough of Edna (Shirley Stelfox) holding things over her, Lily (Anne Charleston) reveals to Betty (Paula Tilbrook) and Pearl (Meg Johnson) her marijuana secret, leaving them stunned. Explaining about her arthritis, Betty and Pearl are nothing but sympathetic, leaving Edna furious and accusing Lily of stealing her friends.

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