Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) and Ashley (John Middleton) both struggle to cope on the morning of Daniel's funeral. At the service, Laurel is unable to give her reading and so Doug (Duncan Preston) steps in to aid his daughter. Fighting back tears, Ashley then gives a moving eulogy for his son with the congregation welling up, but Laurel can only stare blankly at the coffin. Afterwards in the Woolpack, Laurel comes round and furiously blames Hilary (Paula Wilcox) for her son's death. Hilary is devastated and when a reconciliation fails later on, it's decided that she and Doug must leave the village. Laurel later tells Ashley she doesn't know how she'll cope without Daniel and visits the graveside. With her faith shaken and family isolated, who will help Laurel through her grief?Jo (Roxanne Pallett) is shocked to see Charlie (Michael Keogh) on her way to the funeral and warns him to take his stuff and leave. Returning later in the day with Sarah (Sophia Amber Moore), Jo is taken aback to find Charlie in Butlers wearing only a towel. Revealing that his buyer for the loot has fallen through, Charlie tells Jo that he's sticking around for the foreseeable future. Indignant Jo tells him to get out so Charlie grabs her by the throat and slams her against a wall. Can Jo find some way to rid herself of Charlie?Elsewhere, Doug is a broken man following Daniel's funeral so Pearl (Meg Johnson) offers him some support. They retire to the village hall and Pearl encourages him to unburden his troubles. Betty (Paula Tilbrook) later explains to Edna (Shirley Stelfox) that Pearl and Doug seem to have bonded. Edna is thoughtful and when she witnesses a hug between them later, takes the opportunity to warn Pearl that Doug is a married man. Pearl is furious, but can she convince Edna that there's nothing going on?

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