Jamie (Alex Carter) makes grand preparations to propose while, unbeknown to him, Louise (Emily Symons) finally takes a pregnancy test. Once the sitting room of Connelton View is set with a hundred or so candles and a large rubber helium balloon emblazoned with ‘Marry Me’ , Jamie heads to Louise's room. Hearing she is in the shower, he relaxes on the bed . He soon falls upon the pregnancy test packaging shoved under the pillow just as Louise emerges. When Jamie asks the result, Louise goes on the defensive asking why he’s rooting through her things. Louise refuses to divulge the result and asks him to leave as she needs to be on her own. Will Jamie change his mind about the proposal or will Louise get in first and finish things with him?Meanwhile, Jimmy (Nick Miles) suggests that to raise some much needed income, they sell the refuse trucks to Carl (Tom Lister). However, Matthew (Matt Healy) is adamant that he’d rather drive them into the quarry than let Carl get his hands on a piece of King property. When it proves difficult finding a buyer, will Jimmy be able to convince Matthew to at least find out what Carl would be prepared to pay?Elsewhere, Edna (Shirley Stelfox) agrees to go to the pub with Pearl (Meg Johnson) and Betty (Paula Tilbrook) to play dominoes. However, she’s thrown when Lily (Anne Charleston) turns up to make a foursome. Despite herself Edna starts to enjoy the game. When Laurel’s (Charlotte Bellamy) name comes up, Lily remarks that she can’t think of anything worse than having your own child taken away from you. Edna immediately assumes that it’s a dig at her and leaves the pub. Lily is left frustrated that their feud has been reignited.

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